TCM Acupuncture Practitioner
Tami is a passionate and caring holistic practitioner specialising in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncture. She gave up her job in the NHS some years ago to undertake her degree in this modality of healing and strongly advocates the use of complementary medicine as an adjunct to allopathic or as a standalone method of treatment. Over the years Tami has accumulated a wealth of experience & an array of qualifications to include diplomas in nutrition & counselling which all serve as an integral part to her practice.
Tami believes the TCM system of diagnosis is highly effective in ascertaining the root cause of dis-ease, and acupuncture (endorsed by the World Health Organisation) is a very effective treatment modality in relieving numerous acute & chronic health conditions. Today acupuncture is regarded as an evidence-based scientific system of healing, supported by 1000’s of studies & growing exponentially worldwide.
Here are just a few conditions where TCM acupuncture may offer relief:
Allergies, blood Pressure, digestive Issues, gynaecological, chronic or acute musculoskeletal Pain, migraines/headaches, insomnia/anxiety/depression, auto-immune/Inflammation…
The initial consultation takes an hour and is an in-depth holistic assessment from a TCM perspective. Tami may also deep dive into a client’s diet & lifestyle to decipher factors that may be hindering recovery &/or promoting disease. A bespoke treatment is given and an individualised health plan formulated to promote recovery. The number of treatments will vary from client to client depending on how chronic the health challenge, but is continually evaluated.
Contact Tami for a no obligation 5-minute phone consultation to assess whether TCM acupuncture is right for you.
Please contact Aspire reception for your booking enquiry…..